Free Brand Archetype Quiz

This 17 question quiz is to help identify your brand's personality archetype. Think of it like a personality test, but for your business. Simply complete this quiz and a member of our team will email you an informative PDF filled with information and guidance.

TIP: It's common to get stuck between a couple of options. As long as your final decision aligns with your business goals, you should be good.

1. What best describes the goal of your brand?

2. From traditional to futuristic, where does your business fit on the scale?

3. Choose the word that best associates with your brand.

4. What does your brand fight against?

5. What does your brand pursue?

6. If your brand was a person, what type of person would it be?

7. Which quote best represents your brand?

8. What does your brand focus its values on more?

9. What is your brand’s biggest fear?

10. What does your brand prefer?

11. What are your brand’s greatest strengths?

12. What is your brand’s potential weakness?

13. What is your product price point?

14. Which best describes your brand’s tone of voice?

15. Which best describes your customers?

16. What experience does your brand bring?

17. Who would you hire to be your brand spokesperson and why?

Congratulations, you have completed the quiz!

We will analyze your answers and present you with an awesome PDF with information about your brand personality archetype and some actionable information on what you can do to integrate it into your brand.

Where we should send it?